ACGA 2016 Annual Conference, Tokyo
ACGA's 16th Annual Conference, the "Asian Business Dialogue on Corporate Governance 2016", returned to Japan following our first event there in 2007. The conference took place over November 15-16, 2016 at the Conrad Hotel, Tokyo and was heavily over-subscribed, with more than 300 delegates and speakers attending from around the world.
The conference programme ran over 1.5 days and comprised plenary panel discussions and workshops on topical issues of corporate governance and ESG in North Asia, particularly Japan.
We would like to express our appreciation to the following companies for continuing their generous support for the conference:
- Foundation Sponsor: Norges Bank Investment Management
- Founding Sponsor: CLSA
- Principal Sponsor: Aberdeen Asset Management Asia
- Gala Dinner Sponsor: China Universal Asset Management
- Luncheon Sponsor: Capital Group
- Workshop Sponsor: Blackpeak
We also express sincere thanks to our new sponsors and supporters this year:
- Principal Sponsor: MUFG / Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking
- Supporting Sponsor: KPMG Japan
- Luncheon Sponsor: CFA Institute
- Workshop Sponsors: Centre for Audit Quality, GO Investment Partners, and Standard Life Investments
- Supporting Organisation: Japan Association of Corporate Directors (JACD)
- Media Partner: The Financial Times
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
The conference was opened by Mr. Douglas Henck, Chairman, ACGA and former Chairman and CEO, Aegon Asia, followed by Welcoming Remarks from Mr. Nobuyuki Idei, Founder and CEO, Quantum Leaps Corporation, Tokyo and Vice President, JACD.
Plenary and Workshop topics and speakers on Day 1 included, in order of appearance:
Note: Speakers with powerpoint presentations are highlighted.
- Asia Overview: Speakers included: Mr. Jamie Allen, ACGA; and Mr. Shaun Cochran, CLSA.
- The ACGA Debate: Can Comply-or-Explain work in North Asia? Speakers included: Mr. Dan Konigsburg, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu; Dr. Daniel Summerfield, USS Investment Management; and Mr. James Hawrylak, Sustainalytics.
- An assessment of disclosure: Speaker: Ms. Runa Urheim, Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM).
- Corporate Reporting: Trying to reach a no-boilerplate nirvana: Speakers included: Dr. Elizabeth Sun, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company; Mr. David Simmonds, CLP Holdings; and Ms. Yoshiko Shibasaka, KPMG AZSA LLC.
- CG Fundamentals: What should a good director do? Speakers included:Mr. Nicholas Benes, Board Director Training Institute of Japan; and Mr. Hiroaki Toya, LIM Advisors.
- Same view, different lens? Bringing debt and equity interests in CG/ESG into focus: Speakers included: Mr. Adam Kirkman, AMP Capital; Mr. Hiroki Sampei, Fidelity International; Ms. Rakhi Kumar, State Street Global Advisors; and Mr. Tadashi Kakuchi, PIMCO.
- Progress in Corporate Governance in Japan - Perspectives from Business Sector: Speakers included: Dr. Ryohei Yanagi, Eisai; Mr. Kazuhiko Toyama, Industrial Growth Platform & Japan Association of Corporate Directors (JACD); and Mr. Takumi Shibata, Nikko Asset Management.
- Exploring Japan: How to get from 'doing stuff' to strategic engagement: Speakers included: Ms. Lauren Compere, Boston Common Asset Management; Ms. Asako Nagai, BSR Japan; and Mr. Yozo Nakao, Ajinomoto.
We concluded Day 1 with a Gala Dinner Speech by Mr. Ken Shibusawa, Founding Partner and Chairman, Commons Asset Management, Inc., Tokyo, on the topic: "A Long-Term Vision - Japan Beyond 2020".
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
The second day of the conference was opened by Mr. Steven T. Watson, Partner, Capital International Inc.
Plenary and Workshop topics and speakers on the morning of Day 2 included:
- The Brave New World of Investor - Company Dialogue in Japan: Speakers included: Mr. Jamie Allen, ACGA;Mr. Kenji Iwamoto, Governance for Owners Japan; Mr. Akira Fuse, Capital International; and Mr. Shinichiro Hyogo, MUFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
- New Experiments in Corporate Governance in North Asia: Speakers included: Dr. Hans-Christoph Hirt, Hermes EOS; Ms. Yoo-Kyung Park, APG Asset Management Asia; Mr. Philip W. Ong, Chunghwa Post; and Dr. Woochan Kim, Korea University Business School; and Mr. Jasper Xu, PricewaterhouseCoopers Business Consulting.
- The Chairmen's Dialogue: Entrepreneurship and Management in Japan: Speakers included: Mr. Douglas Henck, ACGA; Mr. Kunitake Ando, AEGON Sony Life Insurance; and Mr. Takeshi Niinami, Suntory Holdings.
- Q&A with the Government Pension Investment Fund, Japan: Speakers included: Mr. Jamie Allen, ACGA; and Mr. Hiromichi Mizuno, Government Pension Investment Fund.
In addition to the above speakers and moderators, we would like to express our sincere thanks to our three Masters of Ceremony (MC):
- Morning MC, Day 1: Mr. Douglas Henck, Chairman, ACGA and former Chairman & CEO, AEGON Asia, Hong Kong.
- Evening MC, Day 1: Mr. Yuelin Yang, Deputy Group Managing Director, IMC Industrial Group, Singapore & Council Member, ACGA.
- Morning MC, Day 2: Mr. Steven T. Watson, Partner, Capital International Inc & Council Member, ACGA.
Voting Questions
Delegates voted on more than 25 different questions throughout the first day, all linked to the issues being discussed in the plenary panels. Please see the: full results.
Japanese language summary
KPMG covered our conference in Japanese, in their publication KPMG Insight.