The Asian Business Dialogue on Corporate Governance

ACGA’s 23rd annual conference held over 5-6th of November 2024 was our third conference in Singapore. The theme of this year’s conference, “Taking corporate governance to the next level in Asia”, infused the various panel discussions which ranged from CG reform across the region, stewardship, activism, effectiveness of independent directors, advancing diversity, transparency on compensation, corruption, fraud and whistleblowing, artificial intelligence as well as NDCs and transition plans.

Click here to view the PDF brochure for our Annual Conference.

Our sincere appreciation for the participation and very frank views from our speakers, panelists and delegates. The conference report is now available. We have provided highlights to give a flavor of the sessions. We hope those who joined us find it a useful recap, and for others some of the essence of the high value discussions.


For inquiries, please contact Mikky Li, Office and Event Manager, at