Harvard Business School case study on ACGA


We are delighted to inform you that Harvard Business School is using ACGA as a case study, mapping out the steps we took in advocating against weighted voting right (WVR) stocks. 

The case study, 'Asian Corporate Governance Association: Stemming a "Race to the Bottom" by Stock Exchanges?' by Charles C.Y. Wang and Billy Chan, puts our work on WVR in the context of ACGA’s 20-year effort to elevate governance standards in the Asia-Pacific region. It notes our status as a not-for-profit with no formal regulatory or incentive setting powers and describes our accomplishments to date in raising the governance bar through advocacy, education, and the biennial publication of CG Watch.

While the full report is available only for educators on the Harvard Business Publishing website, ACGA was given a license to distribute 500 copies to our members for in house use only. Our distribution is on a first-come-first-serve basis. ACGA Members please contact Ida Chan to obtain a soft copy of the full report.