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CG Watch 2023: Spectrum of standards (Asean Chapter)

On 12 June 2024, ACGA released the Asean chapter of the CG Watch 2023 report. Titled "Spectrum of standards: Regulators set the tone on CG progress," the report is co-published with CLSA.

In this report, we look at five markets in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) bloc: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Singapore and Malaysia lead the pack by a relatively wide margin, with the citystate scoring 62.9% and tied at No.3 with Taiwan in our survey of 12 markets in the Asia-Pacific region. Malaysia follows in the No.5 position with a 61.5% score, followed by Thailand with its 53.9% score and No.9 ranking. The Philippines is No.11 with a 37.6% score while Indonesia comes in last with 35.7%.

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