CG Watch 2020 Release
We are delighted to announce that our latest CG Watch 2020 regional survey, “Future Promise: Aligning governance and ESG in Asia”, is now released. Please visit our CG Watch research page to download the full report.
This is our 10th CG Watch report with CLSA and at 508 pages by far our biggest. For the first time we are publishing standalone companion reports, with ACGA’s market report complemented by CLSA’s company and sectoral analysis of ESG trends and disclosure. The CLSA report is titled, “High Hopes: Brighter prospects for sectors across Asia”, and is available only to CLSA clients.
Highlights of the ACGA market ranking report, “Future Promise”, include:
- More in-depth analysis of stakeholder category performance across the 12 markets covered in Asia-Pacific.
- A new opening thematic chapter on why we believe CG and ESG are not yet adequately aligned in this region, with ideas on how to fix this.
- A new opening chapter on our inaugural survey of ACGA member voting and engagement in this region, with further analysis in each market chapter.
- A more detailed underlying survey of company CG performance (undertaken in collaboration with ARE), with specific advocacy suggestions.
- A summary of regulatory and corporate responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Numerous side boxes adding colour on individual, company, and regulatory stories.
- A full comparison (in Appendix 2) of our 2020 vs 2018 scores.
We hope you enjoy the read and find the report a valuable reference tool for your work.