ACGA Annual Conference 2017, Mumbai

ACGA’s 17th Annual Conference, the “Asian Business Dialogue on Corporate Governance 2017”, returned to India following our first event there in 2008. The conference took place over November 14–15, 2017 at the Trident Hotel Bandra Kurla, Mumbai, and was attended by 170 delegates and speakers from around the world. 
The conference programme ran over two days and comprised plenary panel discussions and workshops on topical issues around the central theme of ‘nurturing corporate governance ecosystems in Asia’. 
We would like to express our appreciation to the following companies for continuing their generous support for the conference:
  • Foundation Sponsor: Norges Bank Investment Management
  • Founding Sponsor: CLSA
  • Principal Sponsor: Aberdeen Standard Investments
  • Gala Dinner Sponsor: China Universal Asset Management
  • Luncheon Sponsor: Capital Group
  • Workshop Sponsors: Blackpeak, The Center for Audit Quality, CFA Institute
  • Media Partner: The Financial Times
We also express sincere thanks to our new sponsors and supporters this year:
  • Supporting Sponsor EY
  • Luncheon Sponsor Cartica Management
  • Supporting Organisation Institutional Investor Advisory Services
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
The conference was opened by Mr Douglas Henck, Chairman, ACGA. 
Plenary and workshop topics and speakers on Day 1 included, in order of appearance:
Note: presentations for speakers highlighted in bold are able to be downloaded.
Opening Dialogue with the Securities and Exchange Board of India: speakers included Mr Jamie Allen, ACGA and Mr Ajay Tyagi, Securities and Exchange Board of India.
Plenary 1: speakers included Mr Jamie Allen, ACGA; and Mr Sandeep Parekh, Finsec Law Advisors.
The ACGA Debate: Mr Jaideep Singh Panwar, APG Asset Management Asia; and Ms Vladislava Ryabota, IFC, argued the affirmative and negative cases, respectively, on the topic ‘Only minority shareholders should be allowed to vote on independent directors’. The debate was moderated by Mr Mike Lubrano, Cartica Management.
Investor Workshop: speakers included Ms Hetal Dalal, Institutional Investor Advisory Services; and Mr Arnout van Rijn, Robeco Hong Kong.
Regulatory Workshop: speakers included Ms Melissa Brown, Daobridge Capital; and Mr Michael Duignan, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.
Listed Companies Workshop: speakers included Mr Peter Butler, GO Investment Partners; Mr Cyril Suresh Shroff, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas; and Mr Mario Abela, World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
Auditor Workshop: speakers included Ms Julia Tay, EY; and Ms Pru Bennett, BlackRock.
We concluded Day 1 with a Gala Dinner Address by Ms Saheen Mistri, Chief Executive Officer, Teach for India, Mumbai, on the topic ‘What I Have Learned From Children’.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
The second day of the conference was opened by Ms Ka Shi Lau, BBS, Managing Director and CEO, BCT Group.
Plenary sessions and speakers on the morning of Day 2 included, in order of appearance:
India Market Focus: speakers included Mr Rahul Bhasin, Baring Private Equity Partners India; Mr Amit Tandon, Institutional Investor Advisory Services; and Dr VR Narasimhan, National Stock Exchange of India.
China Market Focus: speakers included Mr Jamie Allen, ACGA; Mr Vincent Poizat, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu; and Ms Nana Li, ACGA.
The morning concluded with the Chairman’s Dialogue hosted by Mr Douglas Henck, Chairman, ACGA. Speakers included Mr Nicholas Allen, CLP Holdings and Mr Leo Puri, UTI Asset Management Company.