New Member: Temasek


We are delighted to welcome Temasek as our newest member.

Temasek is a global investment company headquartered in Singapore. As a generational investor, Temasek’s Purpose “So Every Generation Prospers” guides it to make a difference always with tomorrow in mind.
Temasek operates on commercial principles to deliver sustainable returns over the long term. The company’s long-term investment horizon means it is not constrained by a ‘fund life’, as it owns its assets and invests off its own balance sheet. Temasek manages its liquidity and balance sheet for resilience and investment flexibility.
Its investments are predominantly in equities, without specific targets for investing by asset class, country, sector, or single name. Its investment activities align with four structural trends that shape its long-term portfolio construction: Digitisation, Sustainable Living, Future of Consumption, and Longer Lifespans. Temasek’s global portfolio spans a broad spectrum of industries: transportation & industrials; financial services; telecommunications, media & technology; consumer & real estate; as well as life sciences & agri-food.
ACGA's membership comprises more than 100 organisations operating or investing in Asia and with an interest in corporate governance. For more information, please see our Members Page.