Discussion at OECD-Asia Roundtable on CG, Kuala Lumpur


Amar Gill, Secretary General Designate, spoke in a session titled “Policies and practices for the board in ASEAN economies” at the OECD-Asia Roundtable on Corporate Governance in Kuala Lumpur on 12 October 2023.

As companies have been facing rapid changes and major challenges in recent years, such as climate change and digitalisation, the role of the board of directors is becoming critical in monitoring managerial performance and achieving an adequate return for shareholders while overseeing the risks management systems and mechanisms. In order for boards to effectively fulfill their responsibilities, regulators and supervisors in ASEAN economies have updated their regulatory frameworks, including on board independence, board-level committees and board diversity, which are also featured in the revised G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. This session will discuss policies and practices on board responsibilities at both the jurisdictional level as well as the regional level.