ACGA features in Nikkei Asia: Hong Kong Stock Exchange takes aim at boardroom 'boys' club'
Jane Moir, Research Director, Hong Kong & Singapore, features in a Nikkei Asia article – Hong Kong Stock Exchange takes aim at boardroom 'boys' club'.
Jane’s comments are quoted below.
"Founders who wish to keep tight control of these entities seem to prefer to appoint from within their networks, and for the main part these candidates do not include women,"
"Many of these companies have a high ratio of female customers and some do appear to be hiring more women at the senior management level, but there is still a long way to go."
"But companies are not bound to do anything more than fulfill the minimum requirement... Hong Kong's exchange should have set its gender targets higher."
"We are disappointed with the new corporate governance code, which was very pro-issuer... Even if we promote women at the current pace, it will take 138 years for the board to become gender equal."
To read the full article, please visit Nikkei Asia.