SASB Workshop: Making ESG Reporting Financially Relevant
As part of the programme of the ACGA Virtual Conference 2020, the first follow-on workshop was held on 2 December 2020. The topic was “SASB Workshop: Making ESG Reporting Financially Relevant”. Thanks to our great moderator and speakers Katie Schmitz Eulitt, Egon Vavrek and Jessica Ground and all participants for a lively discussion.
SASB Workshop: Making ESG Reporting Financially Relevant
Standards and practices for ESG reporting are developing rapidly across the region, with a growing number of jurisdictions setting out voluntary or quasi-mandatory guidelines for companies to follow. While positive, one increasingly hears that institutional investors find it difficult to integrate the mass of data produced into their investment processes due, in part, to lack of comparability and decision-usefulness of the information currently disclosed. This is where SASB comes in: it offers companies a more focussed way to report on ESG factors that are financially material and provides reporting guidance on an industry level. This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn more about SASB’s evolving standards and how they fit in with complementary systems such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It will also provide an update on SASB’s work programme in Asia, including its new Asia-Pacific Working Group, and international efforts to create a globally consistent set of ESG reporting standards.
Ms Katie Schmitz Eulitt, Director, Investor Outreach, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), San Francisco
Mr Egon Vavrek, Director, Global Emerging Markets Equities, Fundamental Strategies, APG Asset Management Asia, Hong Kong
Ms Jessica Ground, Global Head of ESG, Capital Group, London