International Institutional Investor Series, Kuala Lumpur
Ben McCarron, ACGA Specialist Consultant, was invited to be a panellist for the session of “Sustainable Investing – The Rise of ESG into the Mainstream” at the International Institutional Investor Series (IIIS) 2019 that is hosted by Malaysian Association of Asset Managers (MAAM) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 25 June 2019.
The purpose of the series is to introduce to the Malaysian fund management community topics in their industry which are coming to the fore worldwide. In the panel, Ben and other speakers discussed the effects (beneficial or otherwise) of investing through ESG lenses, addressing issues such as why ESG has come to the fore, whether asset owners benefit financially from ESG, what adjustments need to be made for ESG investing, whether it affects performance, whether passive ESG investing is possible, and other key issues.
For more information, please visit IIIS website.